Monday, November 23, 2009
Official emblems - can be refused registration as trade marks
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Google adwords v LVM (Louis Vuitton) registered trademarks
- Title to property may be over-ridden by competitors,
- A party could use LVM's registered trademarks to sell his goods effectively,
- A competitor could piggy-back on LVM's marketing and branding to win business,
- A counterfeitor may be given wider scope to abuse a competitors registered brands,
- The consumer would be potentially more exposed to non-genuine originating goods/services,
- Scope for likelihood of confusion would be widened, and
- Competitors could lure customers into buying their goods at the expense of brand-builders.
Would a win for the Google case deliver progess for consumers or for Google? The question as to whether the progress would actually represent any advancement for the consumer, is left for the reader to consider:
- Would you agree that the role of trademarks as badges of origin would be undermined to a considerable extent, if competitors were allowed free use of others' registered trademarks, even in an adwords context.
- A Google win would be likely to see the ability of brand owners to prevent infringement weakened. As a result, it would be likely that consumers would lose on the integrity of knowing the origin of the goods come from the rightful owner.
- The use of registered trade marks by competitors in adwords would be such that consumers would not be able to rely on brands or brand makers for the quality of the goods, when using search engines that are driven by adwords or commercial placement SEO type services with access to other owners trademarks.
- The scope for likelihood of confusion between manufacturers would be thrown wide open for further brand abuse. If a consumer searched for Vuitton, and was led to Baggers Lane bag shop selling WUTTON bags, who thought they were Vuitton-made but made by an inferior manufacturer, one might question whether the consumer was actually well-served by the adword?
The French Court's judgment needs to consider the commercial dynamics underlying the case in greater detail, and the implications for the consumer, owners of trademarks, and the rights and qualities conveyed under registered trademarks. There are substantial monies at stake. Especially for Google, and for competitors. Is this at the expense of the consumer, or the trade mark owner.
The Google position understandably wishes to preserve and expand its access to increased revenues. Adwords provide revenues, and have a strong commercial dimension underlying them. If the use of registered trade marks by competitors in adwords campaigns is scaled back, its revenues could be adversely affected. There would be fewer words competitors could use. Fewer clicks. Lower income. To what extent it is hard to know, but the scale of Google's revenues is substantial, and amounts to a multi-billion business model. This leads one to look more closely at the commercial attributes behind the cases, namely
- Google makes substantial turnover from adwords and search engine listing,
- Competitors are prepared to pay for adwords using registered trademarks of others,
- The owners of the registered trademarks do not obtain revenues from their inclusion in adwords, when used by unauthorised competitors,
- The consumer does not appear to pay, in an up-front monetary sense. However, the marketing costs of acquiring customers are ultimately borne in the end price for such goods, and therefore by the consumer,
- The consumer could also pay in the sense of obtaining lower quality goods or services, and in not being able to associate the originator of the goods as belonging to the badge used to catch their custom,
- Competitors of owners of registered trademarks may be allowed use those trademarks in adwords to sell their goods, perhaps misleading consumers as to the origin or quality of the goods,
So, who are the real winners and losers in the circumstances, assuming judgment favours the Google case?
- the competitors could win trade,
- competitors could be allowed cause more confusion with consumers,
- it is often worthwhile for competitors to pay for the adwords, so there can be commercial aspects involved,
- Google wins revenues,
- Google addwords could benefit the competitors,
- the competitors bid-up keywords so that registered trademark owners could have to pay more in relation to their own property,
- Google could gain more,
- Trademark owners could lose their rights to control their property,
- the consumer could lose on their ability to rely on badges of origin,
- the consumers could pay more if marketing costs increase,
- trust in registered trademarks could be undermined,
- scope for counterfeiting could be enlarged,
- scope for infringement could be enhanced.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Google adwords v LVM registered trademarks
Google v. LVM – adwords appeal case in France.
Google adwords has appealed recently against court decisions against it concerning adwords and registered trademarks in France. LVM has won the cases favouring its registered trademarks in the lower courts in France against Google to date. Currently, the highest court in France is considering the issues in the case. The issues in this case include the following: - Google adwords are used by competitors to bring customers to its goods/services. Some competitors use another party’s registered trade mark in the Google adwords campaign. When the adword is clicked, the competitor pays a fee and Google receives payments for the use of the adword. A key issue is whether the use of adwords like Louis Vuitton by a competitor abuse the rights held by the owner of a registered trade mark. A registered trademark conveys a property right to its owner. The owner can control the users and uses of the registered trademark. Unauthorised use is preventable by the owner of a registered trademarks. The ownership of a registered trademark carries exclusive rights. This means nobody else can use the mark without permission. The case challenges the rights of property owners. It also challenges the fundamental rights embodied in registered trademarks. Can Louis Vuitton prevent a competitor from using its registered trademarks in Google adwords campaigns? Can Google adwords limit the excusive rights held by the owner of a registered trademark? Are there commercial aspects to the use of Google adwords involving registered trademarks? Who receives payments? Who pays? Does Google adwords involve “use” of a registered trademark in commerce? Because the goods per se may not be traded commercially in the advertisement linkage process, the question is whether the registered trade mark is being “used” commercially. A registered trademark conveys exclusive rights to its use under the trade marks legislation. So can another party include the registered trademark of another party in its advertisements campaigns? If the use of the registered trademark leads to the consumer being misinformed or misled, then is the use of the Google adword an infringement of the registered trade mark? Search engines use words to search for sites. In the search engine format, one of the commercial links is made when a party pays to be listed under the search engines. So there may be a commercial feature of the use of search engines. However, under French law there is an exemption from liability for search engines in a social sense of providing a social service, where the service provider is unaware of any abuse of a registered trade mark. Does Google adwords fit the terms for exemption as applied to search engines under French law? Is there a limit to the exclusivity obtained when registered trademarks are used, even by competitors? Is Google adwords a commercial activity in relation to the laws affecting registered trademarks? Does Louis Vutton lose custom to competitors as a result of the use by the competitors of its registered trademarks? The issues in this case are very important for the owners of registered trademarks.Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Google adwords v LVM registered trademarks
- Are the rights of the registered trademark owner being abused?
- Who benefits?
- Is there commercial gain for Google and competitors?
- Who suffers?
- Is the property right in the registered trademark violated?
- Is control of the registered trademark adversely affected in commerce?
- Is the use of a brand name that is a registered trademark in a Google adwords campaign actually infringement of the registered trademark?
- If the use of the registered trademark in a Google adword leads to the sale of counterfeit goods, what responsibility does Google carry in relation to assisting the counterfeitor?
- Can Search Engines/ISP's ignore complaints of abuse from owners of registered trademarks?
- Are the commercial interests of the Search Engines/ISP's aligned more with the competitors than with the owners of registered trademarks?
- What remedies are available to owners of registered trademarks?
- Do consumers of registered trademarks have any rights as to the origin of the goods over competitors?
- Does the State, which grants the registered trademark rights, have any roles in protecting title, assuring consumers, or in permitting business to control the origin of goods/services under registered trademarks law?
- Does the Google adwords policy usurp the laws affecting registered trademarks?
- Should Google adwords change its policy on registered trademarks?
- Is there a difference between hosting, searching and advertising in the case of registered trademarks?
- Do web site hosting, search engines, adwords providers or ISP's have any exemption to liability for infringement of registered trademarks?
- Should they hold any responsibilities legally in relation to registered trademarks?
- Should they allow counterfeitors free reign on the internet, at the expense of consumers, and trademark owners?